The Disposal Of Radioactive Waste On Flowvella

How much do you know about nuclear waste disposal? Check out these nuclear power pictures to learn more. Nuclear waste epitomizes the double-edged sword of modern technology. It's a toxic and radioactive byproduct of nuclear medicine, nuclear weapons manufacturing and nuclear power plants. In short, it's the type of waste that reflects one of. Copy the HTML code below to embed this book in your own blog, website, or application. An uncorrected copy, or prepublication, is an uncorrected proof of the book. We publish prepublications to facilitate timely access to the committee's findings. The final version of this book has not been.

Nuclear Proliferation Nuclear missiles, nuclear bombs, nuclear wars, everything seems to have fallen into the same category, but nobody has really payed attention to the “big picture” and has actually took the time to realize what this is really about. Many people may ask what exactly is it that really seems to start up all of this, but will any other individual really be able to answer this type of question? Society needs to put in the time to really think about it and ask themselves “What is Nuclear.

Treaty of Nuclear Non-proliferation came into existence. The treaty sought to inhibit the widespread of the nuclear weapons. At this period, the treaty had one hundred and ninety state-parties. There was classification of the state-parties into two categories.

The first type was the Nuclear Weapon States that consisted of China, France, United States, Russia and the United Kingdom. The other category consisted of non-nuclear weapons states. Under the agreement, the five nuclear weapons states committed. Kenneth Waltz, Senior Research Advisor at the Saltzman Institute for War and Peace, explains that most Western and Israeli commentators are horrified of the thought of an Iranian nuclear weapon. However, historical record indicates that if a country is bent on acquiring a nuclear weapon, the country is rarely dissuaded from doing so. Sanctions now, he explains, makes Iran even less likely to change their mind―feeling most vulnerable, Iran seeks protection of a deterrent (Waltz “Why Iran Should Get.

Nineteen-forties nuclear weapons have been used to help end, or have caused problems between countries. The dangers of using nuclear weapons have increased over the many years since they were first used. Either way, the fight over nuclear weapons have become more and more common because of the new developments in science and technology. The use of nuclear weapons have been used to threaten many different countries around the world which include the United States and many more. Nuclear weapons have become. Ever since the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the world has never been the same. People only got a glimpse of what the destructive power of a nuclear weapon could do to a city and how it affected the whole country of Japan.

It was those two bombings that changed the way different countries would look at each other forever. According to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, “Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons on earth. One can destroy a whole. Final Super Essay: Is There a Problem with Nuclear Weapons? Imagine a world filled with darkness and an air filled with dust and death. It is hard to go outside without suffocating or becoming subject to radioactive disease and other complications. This is, of course, assuming that you were one of the few survivors of atomic world-destruction that somehow managed to escape the blast and reach a safe-house on time.

This would be the world after a nuclear war. Desolate landscapes and hardly anything. Population have been able to create nuclear power; a type of energy that is integrated into atomic energy. Almost 60 years ago, had the commencement of the Manhattan Project begun on the development of the first nuclear weapon.

60 years later, 9 countries alone possess a total of over 23,000 nuclear weapons which is enough to wipe out the human population many times over. This type of power can be found in nuclear plants but has now developed into an extremely dangerous weapon. It has been used to attack. Nuclear weapons are the most deadly, destructive, and powerful form of technology that the world has ever created.

Officially, only 9 states out of 196 in the international arena have possession of them. Although nuclear weapons are being eliminated by states, they still hold a significant value for nations in the IR arena with a nuclear annihilation capacity. States within the international community that own nuclear arsenals are automatically feared and respected because of the status symbol they. Dangerous powers and authority our government wields, possibly the most threatening powers are nuclear weapons. People tend to be frightened by things they do not understand, which make nuclear weapons a perfect catalyst for fear. These weapons have the most overwhelming and destructive power known to man; although, nuclear weapons are only safe in countries that try to maintain harmony and stability.

Nuclear weapons are defined as “explosive devices whose destructive potential derives from the release of. Are Nuclear Weapons Strategically Obsolete?

Why or Why not? The ongoing debate of whether or not nuclear weapons are obsolete or not is a very complex one. Numerous studies have purported that nuclear weapons no longer serve an important strategic purpose for countries such as the United States of America and Great Britain. Clausewitz stated that war and politics were inextricably linked. So the distinction between “political” and “military” viability of nuclear weapons is one without meaning. (Gerald Ferguson) Due to the severity and danger of nuclear weapons, it is very important for nations to have some sort of regulation with regard to the nuclear program and more specifically their nuclear weapons program. After the first nuclear bomb was created by the U.S.

Nations states that followed the U.S. With the creation of a nuclear bomb seek to justify their creation of the nuclear. There are many reasons why a nation state will create a nuclear bomb but the key issue here is why and how nations. Before the Second World War, nuclear weapons did not exist.

However, by the end of the Second World War, this was not the case. The United States initiated a top secret program code-named the Manhattan Project. This project brought some of the greatest minds of the world together with the goal of developing nuclear weapons. The United States successfully tested its first nuclear bomb in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945. Three weeks later two atomic bombs had been dropped on the cities of Hiroshima. Internationally, nuclear weapons have been an important topic of concern and debate for the past several decades. The concerns and debates within the international community regarding the proliferation of nuclear weapons to more sovereign states in the post-Cold War era have led to many international law instruments in attempts to contain these weapons of mass destruction.

Treaties such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Test Ban Treaty of 1963, international organizations. Nuclear weapons have provided states that possess them with the firepower to deter attacks since the United States developed the first bombs in the 1940’s.

Those states with the abilities to develop such weapons have solidified themselves atop the global hierarchy. Since few states have such weapons, it is naturally attention grabbing when a nation is revealed to be in the process of developing them. Iran began a nuclear program in the 1950’s with the help of the United States, who suspended help. Possession of a nuclear bombs created a world in which the superpowers engaging in war could no longer be winners. The use of nuclear weapons also did not guarantee survival after the war. In response to rise of nuclear weapons, states had to revolutionize their foreign policy. Otherwise, they were accepting defeat.

By refusing to enact policies, a state loses the ability to guarantee that a war would not occur by balancing the power with a nuclear equipped adversary. Indirectly, nuclear weapons cause peace.

Nuclear weaponry: A necessity or nonsense? Scientific breakthroughs in the 1930s led the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada to collaborate during World War 2 in an undercover venture named the “Manhattan project” aiming to create weaponry utilising nuclear fission.

By 1945 a nuclear bomb called “Little boy” was created, and dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945. This is important as it was the first and only time an atomic bomb has been used on a populated area, and it was a method of analysing.

Of nuclear technology. The United States, Russia, Great Britain, France, and China are offically declared nuclear weapons states of the world. To date, there are thirty-nine countries in the world (with the exception of the five weapons states) who are capable of producing nuclear weapons (“Disarmamment/Nuclear Non- Proliferation”). Indonesia has the capabilities, but does not have a nuclear weapons program (“Indonesia”).

How the issue affects your country Despite the opposition to nuclear proliferation. Directly at the United States ('The Iranian nuclear,' 2013). This, however, may change. If the Iranians develop a nuclear weapon, they are most likely going to develop a vehicle to deliver the warhead. This is where a direct threat to the United States lies. Even without an ICBM, Iran can still load a nuclear device into a shipping container, or even launch a missile off a ship from the coast. Iran would also most likely hand over information on nuclear weapons to one of its state sponsored terrorist.

Nuclear weapons are a plague on society. These weapons have no positive effects or results, yet many countries today continue to create and stockpile these weapons. The creation and storing of these weapons have immense costs.

They are extremely destructive. The cleanup after the detonation of one of these bombs can cost millions and the deactivation and decontamination of the weapon itself is incredibly expensive. What do these weapons actually do? How are they made? What do they cost?

Remain about the nuclear developments in Iran, please borrow two international relations theories and show how each theory leads to a different appreciation of what is at stake. Nuclear Weapons and the threat they possess have become a significant part of international relations since the The United States of America used them end to prematurely end it’s war with Japan in 1945. Despite this, in recent times numerous countries have successfully sought to ascertain and develop nuclear offensive capabilities. Nuclear Sharing:- Nuclear sharing is a concept of nuclear deterrence, which basically refers to the transfer of nuclear weapons from NWS (Nuclear Weapon States) to NNWS (Non-Nuclear Weapon States). This practice truly enforces the concept of a nuclear umbrella. The deadly B61 Bombs are located all across the European Continent due to NATO’s practice of nuclear sharing and its complex nuclear policy.

(I) Nuclear Policy of NATO:- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is one of the fundamental obstructions. Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons on earth. One can demolish a whole city, potentially killing millions, and exposed the natural environment and lives of future generations through its long-term catastrophic effects.

According to the UNODA- United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (2011), “Although nuclear weapons have only been used twice in warfare- in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945-about 22,000 reportedly remains in our world today and there have been over 2,000. Fought with nuclear weapons, the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows” Lord Mountbatten. This quotes, by a famous British Naval Officer, summarizes the threats nuclear weapons present to the entire world.

With the development of the atomic bomb during the Second World War, a new war was started: the Cold War. The ideology behind this war continues on to this day and has led to many treaties and other attempts to stop the production and potential use of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are a scientifically. Introduction A nuclear weapon can be defined as a highly explosive device that uses nuclear reactions to create a massive destructive force that can lead to destruction of property and human life. Currently there are two types of nuclear weapons massively used across the globe which include fission and fusion weapons. Fusion weapons are characterized by their ability to produce large energy proportions using the nuclear fusion reactions and such weapons are known as hydrogen bombs.

Currently only. Over the moral and life threatening potential of nuclear weapons has been in question since the first bomb was detonated almost eight decades ago. Nuclear weapons seem rightly owned by the world’s superpowers in order to ensure protection, yet it is feared that nuclear weapons are the horrible remnant of the Cold War that may still potentially cause unilateral destruction. It has been proposed by several benevolent world powers, that nuclear weapons should be banned from the arsenal of all countries.

‘The Rise of Nuclear Weaponry in the Middle East’ Daisaku Ikeda, a spiritual leader in Japan once commented, ‘Japan learned from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that tragedy wrought by nuclear weapons must never be repeated and that humanity and nuclear weapons cannot coexist.’ The world has experienced the bombings of Japan, of Pearl Harbor and the conflict of the Cold War, but even with these conflicts present in our history, warning us of the effects of conflict and nuclear weaponry coexisting. Nuclear weapons continue to present a real threat to humanity and other life on Earth. Scholars of international relations and policymakers share in the belief that the sheer power and destructiveness of nuclear weapons prevent them from being used by friends and foes alike. Then the real question becomes; what is the need for nuclear weapons? Nuclear weapons are defined as, volatile device that originates its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission.

The Disposal Of Radioactive Waste On Flowvella

Heavy steps of Godzilla. Along with him came his highly radioactive body leaving trails of radioactive residue. His main abilities were his plasma breath ray, immunity to normal weapons, and great strength.

He was created for a horror movie that showed the effect of what worried the Japanese at the time- Nuclear weapons. In the movie, he represents pure evil, destroying everything in his path. He is, however, only a product of mankind, and cannot help that fact. What drew the great beast from the. Technology and nation destroying weapons were not far off. With the threat of the Germans creating Wonder Weapons which could win them the war and the world we enlisted the help of defected German scientists and Americas greatest minds scientifically and military alike. With the fear of losing hundreds of thousands of troops in japan we used the first atomic bombs setting a new world standard for warfare and changing the way our nation was viewed.

The deadly effects this weapon would cause shook the world. Controlling both the horizontal and vertical spread of nuclear weapons has always been a subject of international concern since nuclear weapons began being developed in the early 20th century. There are three main types of weapons of mass destruction: chemical, biological, and nuclear. Although all three types may be proliferated and present a serious threat to international security, the focus is placed on nuclear weapons because of their enormous destructive capacity.

In today’s modern international. The instant a one megaton nuclear bomb is dropped everyone within a six mile radius of the drop site will be instantly vaporized. The people will literally not have known what hit them, because they will have vanished before the electrical signals from their sense organs can reach their brains.

These are the people who are lucky, when it comes to a nuclear bombing. Those within a ten mile radius will have instantly become blind, and people even further away would become blind if they were looking. C3C Christopher Hartman Mr. Summer Chemistry 200 – AFMR 21 April 2016 Nuclear Munitions Imminent death is a scary thought as well as the idea of a massive explosion killing thousands of people.

Nuclear muntions have been a part of our nuclear arsenal for several decades now. The amount of mass destruction that can be seen from a nuclear explosion is dreadful but may sometimes be deemed necessary. The purpose of nuclear munitions for the United States is to deter enemies from attacking our homeland.

Security threats that arise as a result. Nuclear energy is one the major discoveries made by a number of countries to provide power and energy for both domestic and industrial use. Nevertheless, the discoveries have raised significant threats to the world peace and stability as nuclear technology is used to create weapons of massive destruction (Kreps & Fuhrmann, 2011). Iran is one of such countries that are accused of potentially producing nuclear weapons, which has raised significant debate across. Especially in media featuring themes of nuclear espionage and fear of nuclear warfare. Nuclear weapons have both advantages and disadvantages; however, many people in the society fear a possible warfare.

Nuclear weapons are explosive devices that get their destructive force from various nuclear reactions such as the bombs, warheads, and shells. The reactions emit a large amount of energy from a small proportion of matter. The nuclear weapons detonate to produce nuclear explosions that have both immediate. The discovery of nuclear fission allowed humanity to tap into a powerful new energy source, one which generated significantly lower atmospheric emissions than traditional fossil fuel-burning generators. However, this power was also harnessed into creating weapons with unprecedented destructive capabilities. During the height of the Cold War, several nations feverishly produced nuclear weaponry, often with little regard for the proper disposal of the wastes generated by the processes and the potential. The Second World War nuclear weapons did not exist, but by the end of the Second World War that was not the case.

The United States initiated a top secret program coded named the Manhattan Project, which goal was to develop a nuclear bomb. The United States successfully tested its first nuclear bomb in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945. Three weeks later two atomic bombs had been dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, which have been the only use of nuclear weapons in wartime.

The contents of this section have been copied and adapted (as well as supplemented) from the ISANW publication, 'Facts About Nuclear Weapons'. See:. What are conventional weapons? Weapon is used to mean an explosive weapon, such as a bomb, the warhead of a missile or an artillery shell. All such weapons contain explosive material which explodes when suitably triggered. In conventional weapons, the explosive material is something that can undergo some chemical reaction which proceeds extremely quickly and releases a lot of energy.

Basically it can ‘burn’ so fast that it explodes. The first explosive material used in weapons was gunpowder, nowadays more powerful explosives like TNT and RDX are used. The explosive material in a nuclear weapon can undergo a nuclear reaction at an incredibly fast rate. What a nuclear reaction is and why it releases so much energy is explained later. How do nuclear weapons differ from conventional weapons? A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear rather than chemical reactions.

A nuclear reaction releases about a million times more energy than does a chemical reaction. This difference makes nuclear weapons much more powerful than conventional weapons.

One measure of the power of a weapon is given by the total amount of energy released in the explosion. This is called the yield of the weapon. The yield of nuclear weapons is usually expressed in terms of the equivalent amount of TNT which would release the same amount of energy.

So a single ‘small’ nuclear weapon whose yield is ten kilotons (10,000 tons of TNT) releases the same amount of energy as ten kilotons, i.e. 10,000 kilograms of TNT. To get a better idea of what these numbers mean, let us see how many conventional bombs would release the same amount of energy as one such small nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb with a 10 kiloton yield weighs about 500 kg whereas a conventional bomb of the same weight contains about 250 kg of explosives. So a single small nuclear bomb releases as much energy as about 40,000 conventional bombs. The explosion of such a bomb is then like forty thousand conventional bombs exploding simultaneously at the same point. Nuclear weapons are tremendously more powerful than conventional ones.

They cause death and destruction on a much larger scale. They are indeed weapons of mass destruc­tion.

The second major difference is that a nuclear explosion produces large amounts of “radioactive” material that give out deadly rays of nuclear radiation. (This is also called the fallout.) A large dose of radiation can kill a human instantly. Exposure to a somewhat smaller amount can have even worse consequences. It can cause severe illness leading to slow death after days or even years of suffering. Radiation can cause genetic damage leading to babies being born deformed. It contaminates large areas of land, making it useless for agriculture for years or even decades. These aspects of nuclear weapons thus introduce a new dimension of horror.

The poisoning of humans and their environment by radiation makes the process of recovering from a nuclear attack a long and painful one. These are the reasons why a large section of informed and sensible people in the world consider nuclear weapons to be unacceptable, much more so than biological and chemical weapons, which are already banned by international agreement. What are the different types of nuclear weapons? Two types of nuclear reactions are used in nuclear weapons. The nuclei of some heavy elements like uranium or plutonium can split into two roughly equal sized nuclei with the release of energy.

Such a process is known as nuclear fission. On the other hand, two light nuclei can undergo nuclear fusion to combine and form a single nucleus, again with the release of energy. These reactions are explained in detail later in the section on the. All nuclear weapons use fission and fusion reactions in different combinations.

From the point of view of military usage, these weapons historically fall into two classes. The first class contains tactical, or non-strategic weapons.

Early generations of tactical weapons were typically low-yield weapons (having yields ranging from less than 1 kiloton to 10-15 kilotons) that were designed to be used in the battlefield against military formations. Russia apparently still retains many of these battlefield weapons, but most U.S. Tactical weapons of this sort have been retired and dismantled. Non-strategic weapons can have a variable yield design, which allows their explosive power to be set from 0.3 kilotons to well over 100 kilotons (thus it is often impossible to assign a classification based only upon the explosive power of the weapon). The second class contains strategic nuclear weapons (with yields of 100 kilotons or greater), which are high-yield weapons designed to produce enormous blast damage and also to kill civilian populations in cities. The different types of nuclear weapons that have been built or thought of are described below.

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Nuclear Weapons On Flowvella Download

Pure Fission Weapons Weapons in which only the fission reaction takes place are called pure fission weapons or simply fission weapons. Such were the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are the simplest nuclear weapons to design and build. They form the basis for developing other types of weapons. Their yield can range from a few tons to about a few hundred kilotons. They can be both tactical and strategic weapons. The largest pure fission weapon tested is believed to be a 500 kiloton bomb called Mk-18 which was tested by the USA on November 15, 1952.

Boosted Fission Weapons The efficiency of a fission weapon can be dramatically increased by introducing a small amount of material that can undergo fusion. Such weapons are called boosted fission weapons. In boosted weapons, the fission reaction takes place first and produces the required temperatures and densities for the fusion reaction. The fusion in turn accelerates the fission reaction.

The fusion only serves to help the fission process go faster and makes the weapon more ‘efficient’. It contributes to only about 1% of the yield. Since boosted fission weapons are more efficient than pure fission weapons, they can be made lighter for the same yield. So most of the strategic fission weapons deployed today are boosted fission weapons. Thermonuclear Weapons Thermonuclear weapons, also called hydrogen bombs, get most of their yield from the fusion reaction. Acute email ids production engine.

As in the case of boosted fission weapons, they require a fission explosion (called the primary stage) to trigger the fusion (the secondary stage). However, unlike the boosted weapons, thermonuclear weapons contain a substantial amount of fusion fuel and most of their yield comes from fusion. These are the most powerful nuclear weapons, sometimes with yields of more than a megaton (a megaton equals a million tons; in nuclear weapons, a megaton equals a million tons of TNT explosive power). A third fission stage can also be added to produce very high yield weapons of tens or even a hundred megatons. The most powerful nuclear weapon to have been tested so far is the Tsar Bomba, a 50 megaton three-stage weapon exploded by the USSR on October 30, 1961.

However it is not necessary for a thermonuclear weapon to have such high yields. The B61 (Mk-61) class of tactical thermonuclear weapons deployed by the USA have yields which can be adjusted to be as small as 0.3 kilotons (300 tons). Enhanced Radiation Weapons Enhanced radiation weapons, also called neutron bombs, are small thermonuclear weapons which are designed to produce intense nuclear radiation. These are tactical weapons designed to kill soldiers protected by armor (for example, inside tanks). The radiation produced by the neutron bombs can easily penetrate the armor of tanks and kill the humans inside. Salted Nuclear Weapons Salted nuclear weapons, or cobalt bombs, are thermonuclear weapons which are designed to produce a large amount of long lasting radioactive fallout.

This would result in large scale radioactive contamination of the area they are dropped in. The fallout from salted weapons is much more intense and lasts much longer than from unsalted weapons. The long term effects of such weapons would therefore be much worse.

These weapons are called ‘Doomsday Devices’ since they could possibly kill everyone on earth. Fortunately, though these weapons have been conceived of and discussed, none have been built or tested (as far as we know). Pure Fusion Weapons These are fusion weapons that would not need a fission trigger for the thermonuclear explosion. Active research is going on in the US to develop these weapons, but with no success so far. Since there is no fission trigger, pure fusion weapons could be made with very low yields. Yet, the lethality of these weapons due to nuclear radiation and explosive force would still be great. For instance, a pure fusion weapon with an explosive force equivalent to one ton of TNT would kill people in an area nearly a hundred times larger than a conventional bomb with the same explosive force.

Another feature of these weapons is that since they do not use fissile material, their development would not be restricted by the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty or FMCT. What is PAL (Permissive Action Links)? Given the devastation that can be caused by nuclear weapons, it is clearly very important that great precaution be taken to prevent their unauthorized use. PAL, which stands for permissive action links, are systems that make it impossible to detonate the weapon without proper authorization. These are electronic devices that prevent the activation or arming of the weapon unless the correct codes are inserted into it.

Typically two codes should be inserted, simultaneously or close together. The codes are usually changed regularly. What is one-point safe?

Nuclear Weapons On Flowvellane

Apart from preventing unauthorized use, it is equally important to ensure that the weapons do not explode accidentally. For example, if it is accidentally dropped dur­ing transportation (such incidents have occurred), it should not explode. A nuclear weapon is one-point safe if, when the High Explosive inside the weapon is initiated and detonated at any single point, the probability of producing a nuclear yield exceeding 4 pounds TNT equivalent is less than 1 in one million. What is the difference between a nuclear weapon and a nuclear reactor?

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Nuclear reactors harness the energy produced in nuclear reactions to generate electrical power. They are also used to power the motors of ships and submarines. In order to do this, reactors are designed to precisely control the rate of the nuclear reactions taking place in them.

The energy is then released at a controlled rate and can be used to run turbines which generate electricity or run motors. As an analogy, in a car engine gasoline is burned in a controlled way inside the cylinder to drive the motor. On the other hand if a lighted matchstick is dropped into the fuel tank the same gasoline will burn in a completely uncontrolled way and could lead to an explosion. As can be visualized from the analogy, a nuclear reactor is a complex mechanism compared to a bomb.

Although nuclear reactions take place in a reactor just as they do in weapons, the crucial difference is that the rate of the nuclear reaction is controlled in a reactor whereas in a weapon, once triggered, the reaction proceeds in an uncontrolled way leading to the explosion. It is important to note that nuclear reactors were designed to produce plutonium – and not electrical power – in order to create the fissile material necessary to produce nuclear weapons. Plutonium does not exist in nature (in any more than microscopic quantities near large uranium deposits) and thus must be manufactured in the fuel rods of nuclear power plants. Nuclear reactors remain the only pathway to produce the plutonium required to make plutonium pits used in virtually all strategic nuclear weapons. Plutonium is extracted from spent fuel rods (rods which have had most of their fissionable uranium consumed by nuclear reactions) by immersing the rods in highly acidic solutions and chemically separating the plutonium from the other dangerously radioactive elements in the rod (this must be done by remote control because of the intense radiation). Huge amounts of highly radioactive waste are thus produced, and in the U.S., millions of gallons of this waste remain in underground storage tanks, some of which are known to be leaking. Nuclear reactors thus play a central role in creating fissile material for use in nuclear weapons.

Any nuclear weapon which contains plutonium had its beginnings inside a nuclear reactor. Any nation which has a commercial size nuclear reactor will produce enough plutonium to make dozens of Hiroshima-size bombs per year.