How To Uninstall Enb Fallout 4

I think there's a way via the enb's INI file to reconfigure the key bind for showing its overlay. I would check the actual athors enb's forums or maybe a kind person can point you there or maybe tell you how to do it. If you can find any config file for the enb then load it into notepad and look for the key then change it.
Optimized for Immersive Gameplay and Performance
Featuring Smooth Dynamic DOF

*Please Visit for screenshots*

Subtle ENB is optimized for gameplay and performance (not just for pretty screenshots). All effects were carefully configured to work smoothly in real-time and tested extensively to correct any distortions or aberrations that would distract from immersive gameplay. All effects were also optimized for performance as that is an integral part of an immersive gameplay experience. Therefore, you really need to try the preset yourself to experience all of its advantages.
I have also chosen to complement and enhance the Vanilla color palette without altering it, believing that many have largely underestimated Beth's quality of work. After extensive in-game testing, I have found Vanilla's palette to be incredibly balanced and consistent, and this preset aims to demonstrate that.

Subtle ENB is carefully optimized to accomplish the following:

  • Removes Vanilla FO4's washed-out/white-film look without altering color balance
  • Darker Dark Tones without turning them black (dark but can still make out faces in a clear night without lights around)
  • Richer Midtones without oversaturating (such as in bright daylight)
  • Brighter Highlights without blinding white everywhere (such as under the bright lights of the Institute)
  • Smooth Dynamic DOF without any focus popping ***focal point bug fixed
  • Subtle Sharpening that does not create a white border/halo around skinny tree branches and grasses
  • Little to no loss in FPS (Approx. 0-5fps loss)
How To Uninstall Enb Fallout 4

Important:This preset is not meant to be used with any mods that alter Vanilla color, gamma, contrast, brightness, filters--not even darker nights mods. However, I also released a DOF-Only version for those who just want to add a dynamic DOF to their preferred lighting/color correction configuration.
I also highly recommend disabling FO4's DOF or you'll get some inconsistent, immersion-breaking DOF blurriness during dialogue.

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Why I created Subtle ENB

I created this preset after having tried a variety of ENBs and feeling that although they all looked great in certain locations/screenshots, they were too noticeably distorted during normal gameplay, particularly in more extreme lighting conditions such as Railroad HQ or inside the Institute. Those that used Reshade also introduced aberrations in text/menus/HUD and dropped FPS way too much for the enhancements they provided. I even found that mods designed to retain the vanilla look altered the hue/saturation/contrast (perhaps unintentionally) too much for me.
So I started comparing my preferred ENBs to Vanilla and realized that Vanilla's color palette is actually quite good and balanced across all lighting conditions, certainly better than the current ENBs. The only things that annoyed me was that washed-out/white-film look and lack of DOF outside of dialogue. So I meticulously went about tweaking my own ENB preset from scratch making sure to keep things as balanced as possible.
I created Subtle ENB with the following in mind:

  • Maintain the overall Vanilla feel but..
  • Remove the washed-out look, also making nights darker
  • But avoid overly-dark shadows which make faces look too stark
  • And make sure nights aren't so dark that you can't see somebody's face, striking a balance between realism and playability
  • Noticeable but subtle DOF with smooth transitions (I could write an essay about why I think a subtle DOF, and only a subtle DOF, makes games more immersive)
  • Accomplish all of this by modifying as little as possible as to preserve color balance and minimize fps loss. Less is more.

After I finished, I was pleased with what I accomplished but even more impressed with what Beth had given us. Like many of us, I was not initially impressed with Fallout 4's visuals but over time I have come to really appreciate the base that Beth provided and the challenges they were trying to overcome.


Installation Instructions

  • Download
  • Inside the ENB archive is a folder called 'Wrapper Version.' From that folder, copy 'd3d11.dll,' 'd3dcompiler_46e.dll,' and 'enblocal.ini' into your base Fallout 4 folder, where Fallout4.exe is located. (It wouldn't hurt if you dumped everything from the archive into your base FO4 folder but those other files aren't necessary.)
  • Download the
  • Unzip everything in the Subtle ENB archive to your base Fallout 4 folder, overwriting everything if necessary.

Quick and Dirty ENB Uninstall
Delete d3d11.dll from your base Fallout 4 folder

v0.5a - Public release
v0.5b - Updated file structure: Placed all .FX files inside the enbseries folder.
v0.5c - DOF kicks in at a farther distance between the player and focus with a slightly stronger intensity all-around.

v0.6 - Added subtle sharpening effect
v0.6.1 - Focal point bug fixed. Credit goes to kingeric1992 of enbdev forums.
v0.6.2 - Increased DOF dynamics (kicks in at a further distance, more blurry steps, increased max intensity)
v0.6.4 - Tuned down whites

ReShade is a customizable plugin that allows you to add post-processing graphical effects (like ambient occlusion and color correction) to games that don't support those options by default -- including Skyrim or PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS. Many players have used this software with great success. But others are running into trouble with it -- especially when they try to uninstall ReShade.

In this short guide, we're going to go over what this third-party software can add to your games, and how you can uninstall it if you decide that it simply isn't right for you.

What Does ReShade Do?

You can use ReShade to achieve some pretty stunning visuals in your games, and the software gives you total control over a number of settings that will let you tweak the graphics of your favorite games to your precise specifications.

Below is a comparison image that shows what a different ReShade can make in a game like Grand Theft Auto V:

However, using ReShade does have a few drawbacks. The biggest issue is the performance hit your PC will take, as ReShade can add quite a bit of strain to your GPU. There's also the sad truth that any third-party modification to a game is bound to cause issues -- whether it's due to software incompatibilities, a lack of dev support for mods, or some other reason.

If you decide that ReShade simply isn't sustainable with your rig or is causing too many problems with your games, you can uninstall it. But the process for doing so isn't very obvious like it is with other programs. Going through the normal uninstall routines of other programs might not necessarily work here. But there's one method that's a surefire way to completely remove ReShade from your PC.

How to Uninstall Reshade

ReShade may seem pretty intimidating to uninstall, especially if you installed it manually. But doing so is as simple as removing the files it added to your game directory -- specifically, the .dll file and the associated .ini file.

To access these files, you'll need to go to each game's directory until you see something that looks like this:

Once you've navigated to the right folder, the filenames you'll see depend on which graphics API you selected when you installed ReShade.

Here's a list of all their names:

  • d3d8.dll & d3d8.ini
  • d3d9.dll & d3d9.ini
  • dxgi.dll & dxgi.ini
  • opengl32.dll & opengl32.ini

Hunt down these files and delete them to remove ReShade from any game.You'll also want to trash the reshade-shaders folder if you downloaded any shaders.

Put those in /PSP/GAME on your SD card / USB storage.Some games that work (not all will run full speed on all devices):Persona 2, Persona 3 PortableDragon Ball ZLittle Big PlanetBurnout Legends, Burnout DominatorFinal Fantasy: Crisis CoreFinal Fantasy: Type-0Monster Hunter 2 Unite and 3: HD RemakeSoul CaliburTekken: Dark Resurrection and Tekken 6Grand Theft Auto LCS / VCSLuminesWormsWipeoutand many more.See for more information.Please note that ARMv6-based devices may have various kinds of issues, and more modern devices are recommended. Ppsspp emulator mac

If you follow these steps for a Steam game, make sure you verify the game files afterwards so that you can restore anything that was lost upon installing this program in the first place.

After that, your game should be ReShade free!


If you don't want to uninstall Reshade entirely, but do want to improve how it performs with your game, check out our guide to using ReShade with all your favorite games for any tips and tricks you might need.